How to Maintain Healthy Skin?

How to Maintain Healthy Skin

Daily Skincare Routine Regular Facials and Body Care

Facials & body care are designed to improve and rejuvenate your skin health. Professional treatment will help guard against disease and overall health issues by having an accurate skin analysis and using professional strength products allows for deep penetration of cleansers and exfoliates that will rid skin of excess sebum, dead skin cells, and environmental factors.

Facial and body care help to address skin concerns such as:
Acne teen and adult.
Premature aging.
Chemical reactions, redness and sensitivity.
Pigment changes/sun damage.
Uneven skin tone and texture.
Combination skin.
Sensitivity to smells & products.

Our Skin Treatments:

Our facial and body care treatments are designed to target specific skin concerns and to restore the optimal health of your skin. Each facial and body treatment is customized for your skin type and skin condition using only the highest quality skin care products to address your needs. After a thorough skin analysis, products will be chosen to address your skin care needs using customized, non-toxic skin care products.

Treatment includes:
Gentle or deep double cleanse.
Skin analysis.
Gentle exfoliation and perhaps extractions.
Serum and masque.
Finishing products and sun protection.
Home care recommendations are offered to continue your skin health at home to achieve optimal skin health.

Acne & Blemished Skin

When you have acne and blemished-prone skin non-oncology clients it can be very confusing as to what causes acne and what skin products or facial can make it better. What we do know is that acne is not curable, but is manageable by living a balanced life, eating healthier, managing stress and using a skincare regimen for your skin type and skin condition. One treatment and poor skin care cannot manage it. A commitment is required to see improvement.

The cause of acne

KNOWING the trigger is essential to healthy skin, such as teen acne due to puberty, adult acne due to hormonal imbalance, diet choices, stress, reaction to makeup and skin care products, and environmental factors.
Every client has a different skin type, skincare we customize our services to your skin condition to help improve your skin over time. We can help you achieve clearer, healthier skin with monthly professional facials and most importantly, a suitable skin regimen to achieve your skin goals.

Skin Treatment Approach:
Skin analysis.
Application of anti-bacterial to reduce bacteria.
Anti-inflammatory product slow down sebum production and reduce redness in the skin.
Gentle extractions to help ride off blackheads and whiteheads.
Address internal imbalances and skin nutrition.
Skin Care can offer acne sufferers a number of different services or options to suit your skin type, and to help address those concerns.