How to Control Diabetes

Control Diabetes.

A healthy diet, exercise and medication are essential to control and manage diabetes. Here are a few easy guidelines to help deal with diabetes more effectively.

Control Diabetes – Diet

Maintain your weight at desirable levels. Type II diabetics if overweight and need to lose weight in order to control diabetes. Maintain regular meal timings and do not skip meals. Eat in a relaxed and stress-free environment as stress can impair the digestion of food and the production of insulin.

Do not eat large meals. Break up the total calories prescribed for a day into smaller meals at regular intervals (six to eight meals per day). Have an early dinner at least two to three hours before going to bed. Drink a cup of milk (low-fat milk preferably) two hours after dinner. Snacking during the day helps to handle frequent hunger pangs and prevent fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Remember however to choose the right kind of snacks.

Control Diabetes – Exercise

Try to maintain a moderate and regular exercise regime throughout the day. Regular exercise helps to regulate blood glucose levels, improve the action of insulin, lose weight, reduce stress, increase good cholesterol, and reduce bad cholesterol.

Walk for at least 15 to 20 minutes after every meal. To remain fit and healthy make small changes in your daily routine: climb the stairs instead of taking the lift, walk small distances instead of taking a cab, or take your pet for a walk. Before you start exercising consult a doctor about the type and duration of exercise best suited to you.

Control Diabetes – Medication

Take your medication or insulin injection at the prescribed time. Do not alter the dosage of insulin without consulting your diabetologist. Adjust the amount and timing of meals, dosage of medicine and level of physical activity to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Diabetes Relief – Easy Ways to Control Diabetes

Chill out and Ease Diabetes

On the levels learning to melt your stress away may coax blood sugar down to healthy levels, suggests research from the Medical University of Ohio. The experiment followed 30 diabetics, half of whom practiced daily tension-taming exercises, such as muscle relaxation, and had their techniques monitored with weekly 45-minute biofeedback sessions. Such results mean a lower risk of diabetic complications, like heart disease, blindness, and nerve damage. Meanwhile, the education group’s blood sugar and HbA1c levels actually rose slightly.

Yoga for Diabetes Relief

Numerous studies have indicated that yoga not only makes the back strong, limber and flexible but also helps people with chronic back pain and diabetes relief. Experts believe yoga might work by relaxing tense muscles and teaching body awareness and mental focus. Other research suggests that movement combined with breath-focus meditation helps, too.

Yoga will improve your posture, strengthen your spine and relax your back muscles for better diabetes relief. Work them into your daily routine and you’ll feel the difference.